Package <Unnamed>

Class Summary
Diameter Calculates the diameter of the plant in top view images.
HTP ImageJ-Plugin: HTPheno (High-Throughput Phenotyping)
The main programme which contains the workflow, implemented as Plugin for ImageJ.
HTPcalculator HTPcalculator
Contains functions related to retrieving image parameters from the image after the current classification took place.
HTPcalib ImageJ Plugin: HTPcalib (high-throughput phenotyping calibration)
Allows to obtain colour ranges for each class from images, implemented as Plugin for ImageJ.
HTPconfig HTPconfig
Contains all methods related to reading the configuration files and returning the contained information in appropriate data structures.
HTPinputdirectory HTPinput
Reads images from file system in the 'complete directory' mode of HTPheno.
HTPinputopenfile HTPinput
Reads images from file system in the 'single file' mode of HTPheno.
HTPoutput HTPoutput
This class stores the measurement results and writes them to the results file (HTPheno_analysis_results_date--time.csv).
HTPprocessor HTPprocessor
Contains all methods which are used for the image classification process.
modifiedImagesToStack Adapted from the ImageJ Developer Source.
RegionFill Classifies contiguous sets of unclassified pixel.
SearchUnclassified Searches for unclassified regions to classify them.